Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Heads up on patterns for sale

Just a heads up - I've come to the sad realization that my pattern stash is simply too, too big. It can no longer fit into the boxes I'm storing it in, even after I added an extra two boxes. And I'm out of room for more boxes so (sigh) it's time to find some of these little ones new homes.

To that end I'm sorting. Some of those patterns in need of homes will get sold in my Etsy shop. Mostly the independents, Vogues, and any others that are just a little too valuable to justify giving away at this point in my student life. Others will go in a free pattern box for my students to pick through during classes and Friday sewing nights.

And some will go up here as free give-aways. :) Admittedly I've never done a giveaway before so if you have any tips or ideas on how to make them fun, tell me, please!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm also rather new at the give-away thing, but I kind of like the format I used on my last one: http://corvustristis.livejournal.com/25685.html

In it, one person can get multiple entries, but only if they promote your contest for you and bring in more traffic.

I'd say remember to state if it's open to international entries, give a set deadline and stick to it, and... that's about all I can come up with!